Thursday, October 16, 2008


Two weeks and one day until we board the plane that will take us around the world.

I find it kind of crazy to not be crossing he international timeline and be losing a day like I normally do when i travel to Australia. Fourteen hours is what it takes to travel from California to Australia AND from New York to India. Except instead of losing a day, I believe we lose just a few hours. We leave at 10pm at night and arrive around 8pm the next day. So close to a 24 hour period.

Four large suitcases sit at the base of my bed stuffed with clothes and such. So far I have one packed with goods to give to orphanages. It has a collection of school supplies, like pencils, rulers, pencil sharpener, paper and then it also has baby supplies, like thermometers, toys, clothes, etc.

The pre-school on the island put a notice around to all the parents about our journey that was published in the local paper, The Island Sun. Ms. Jana the school director has also put a plastic bin at the front door so people can drop off goods they want to donate. How cool it that!!

I received a phone call from a women here on Sanibel who just got back from India and read about me in the paper and she wants to give me Indian Rupees that she has left over from her recent trip there. Divine intervention, I say!

Mark is in Colorado again this weekend, and Julian is turning 8 on Saturday so life is busy. Halloween is just around the corner! And let's not forget about the BIG election that has everyone talking. I wonder what Joe the plumber is doing right now?

1 comment:

Lisa Christensen said...

Tenya!! You are a true inspiration and a divine presence on this planet!!!

Your friend in LA Lisa